We are the developers of Penahak Account Enterprise, one of the best-in-class solutions providers in Nepal with business functionality, scope and ease of use.  Founded in 2019 by a group of experts who have worked in the Finance and Technology sectors for over 20 years, came together with a commitment to excellence and passion for transformative solutions that allow local businesses to meet the challenges that the traditional systems already had limitations.  

Penahak Account Enterprise is much more than an accounting application in the traditional sense.  It is a complete business management platform for transforming your company into a thriving business in the new age of digital economy and collaborative work culture. Penahak with leading-edge technology and customer-friendly practices delivers unparalleled value to small and midsize organisations.

Welcome to Penahak - where innovation meets enterprise solutions!


Enhanced Collaboration

With Penahak cloud-based accounting, You can set permissions for your staff based on roles and responsibilities, ensuring that each user has tailored access to only the relevant areas needed for their tasks. You can even grant limited access to your financial advisors. This capability is particularly advantageous during auditing processes. Instead of sharing complete datasets or physical files, you can provide auditors with secure access to specific financial records and reports. 

Work from Anywhere and Anytime

Take control of your business anytime, anywhere with just an internet connection and your preferred device—be it a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. Stay connected and manage your operations with utmost convenience.

Quick Deployment and Automatic Update

It is simple and hassle-free to set up Penahak,  as no setup or server installation is required. Updates to the latest version are all automated.  Simply log in to your Penahak account and you are ready to manage your business at your fingertips.

Agility and Adaptability

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, adaptability is key. We ensure our solutions evolve alongside your business.

Data Security

As an owner, if you're worried about data safety, Penahak's cloud solution provides complete peace of mind. We keep all data safe, secure, and protected with 128-bit SSL industry-level security protocols and multi-layered backups.

Customer Focused Approach

Your success is our success. Good customer service is a mantra to us. We prioritize customer satisfaction above all and work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs.

Our Offerings

Penahak specializes in financial technology and employee  management  solutions. Current offerings include Penahak Account Enterprise, Penahak Point of Sales (POS) and mPOS for retails and Payroll Management System bundled with Leave and Attendance Management Systems.

Whether you’re an NGO,  a service-oriented company, a manufacturing industry, a retailer, or a wholesaler with one or more chains across the country,  we have tailor-made solutions to support and elevate you to new heights.

Let's Stay in the Loop

At Penahak, exciting things are happening daily, and we want you to be the first to know about the latest news, release updates, and feature enhancements.